Intoxicated Metronome of the Pupil
...with the ship of the fools start and cross the forest of the symbols, where it's nice to get lost.
Knowing that the center of the labyrinth is the tree of life: on top the death. And from there start again in a light that is ambiguous, crystalline conjunction of moon and sun (so human in the fingers of the demiurge - Gothic Androgin).
So the macabre dance proceeds through palpitating bodies ramifications, penetrating the complex architectures of inside (Perspective: the inebriated pupil's metronome).
From every cue of the tradition - east and west - Yonah draws notes for the dance.
And engraving in engraving, we pierce seamlessly from day to day (every presence engraved with the scalpel, concrete and allusive, in a violent and almost breathless flash of his serene eyes).
And the creator's prize at the end of the game, it's still a problem: the only possible prize.
Der Turm Von Babelfrom the press of Giorgio UpiglioThe friendship and collaboration with Giorgio Upiglio, the milestone of the print art, give life to precious prints of YWNH's engravings at the historic atelier in Milan. |
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Il Nynphaeum di Villa Wagner a Vienna

From the Apollonian elegance of Hellenic tradition to the imaginary Nordic Dionysian of Hieronymus Bosch.
Thus were the works born, from more than a decade of artistic experience and a strong and rigorous classical education - artworks imbued with a strong emotional and aesthetic impact.
Varese, Liceo Artistico "Frattini"
Milano, Accademia Belle Arti Brera
Vienna, Kunst Akademie
Vienna, Hochschule für Angewandte Kunst
Vienna, Assistant Prof. Ernst Fuchs
Vienna, Assistant Prof. Daniel Friedmann
from 1984: several personal and group national end worldwide exhibitions
1991-1995: collaboration with Ernst Fuchs to achivement of sculptures, mosaics, stained glass windows and architectural elements for "Nynphaeum" - Villa Wagner, Vienna
1991-1995: study of the gilding and collaboration at Daniel Friedmann Atelier
1992: achivement of stained glass windows for imperial glassware
1992: first place "Annual Worldwide Illustrator Contest" - Bologna
1994: first place "Annual Worldwide Illustrator Contest" - Bologna
From 1995: collaboration with the etching printer and art publisher Giorgio Upiglio - Milano
To date has produced several works of art, architectural interventions, illustrations for publishing, installation and musical compositions, and collaborated with public and private institutions for the creation of events and multimedia experimental performances.
In addition to teaching, experience in public and private schools and university, has published several papers and participated in conferences on matters within the artistic, historical and theological arguments.

Yonah is also musician.
He composd and perform different pieces for performances, artistic installations and soundtraks collaborating with different international music groups.