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Design "Dakota"

When the Indians saw the first horses, they baptized them large dogs.

For a few centuries there was no other means of transport in the West and the horse, imported by the first Spanish colonizers, became a symbol of movement in the great free and wild spaces of the new frontier.

Then it became the symbol of the adventurous wars between Native and American. It was finally replaced by the steam horse.

The motorcycle is undoubtedly the most successful reincarnation of the horse by means of the steam horse.

It is no coincidence that the first American motorcycle factory is called Indian and its Dakota workhorse as a tribute to the epic of the great spaces and the wars between redskins, cowboys and soldiers.

Unexpected Custom worked on a motorcycle of this legendary brand drawing on the imagination of the Far West
Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse, Wild Bill and General Custer are the protagonists of the opera named Dakota.

The characters, with the appearance of skulls, populate a long theory of symbols known in the Far West epic and among the Native Americans.

They are the stage for a weaving of dream-catchers, redskin headdresses, silouettes of totems and baroque decorations in perfect colonial style ....

artworks executed with this design


The special techniques shown on our website are the result of the study of our artists staff that deals, in addition of aesthetic and artistic works, even of the chemical materials testing.

Most colors, glazes, glues and materials are mixed by us whose composition is kept in secret and not disclosed.

Artistic techniques developed, the materials, as well as the designs are our property and covered by copyright.

Copies and reproductions are legally punishable by law.


In the DESIGN BASE section are listed the artistic backgrounds on which are achieved our designs : from flat colors until more complex and sophisticated laminations in metallic leaf.

Via Mazzini, 6 - I.21100 Varese (VA) - Italia
P.I. 02592520122

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Law 633 of April 22, 1941, as amended.

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